Senior Resources » 20 Inexpensive (and FREE) Self-Care Ideas for Boomers!

20 Inexpensive (and FREE) Self-Care Ideas for Boomers!

Self-care. It should be the easiest thing in the world, yet many of us don’t make time for it. For some, time isn’t the issue; money is. Some self-care methods—like mani-pedis or spa days—are too pricey to be a regular occurrence. So, does that mean you have to put self-care on hold? Of course not! You can take care of yourself without stressing about finances. Here are 20 inexpensive (and FREE) self-care ideas for Boomers!


1. Take a bath.

Most of us take showers. They’re quick, convenient, and refreshing. However, there’s a lot to be said for baths. What’s more relaxing than sinking down in some hot water and allowing our stress to melt away? For an extra level of relaxation, add some bath salts or bubbles to your water. You can even DIY your own bubble bath! Check out these recipes and let the relaxation begin.

2. Make some herbal tea.

Did you know that over 50 percent of Americans prefer to drink coffee over tea in the mornings? Some people aren’t themselves until they get a bit of caffeinated goodness in their system. However, if you’re trying to relax, you may to want to give herbal tea a try. Mint, chamomile, and lavender teas are noted for being liquid stress-relievers. So, if you’re trying to cope with anxiety, don’t reach for the coffee pot. Brew a nice, calming cup of herbal tea instead.


Check out this organic tea sampler we found!

3. Take a walk.

Walking is free therapy. Of course, most of us are aware of its physical benefits. But did you know walking can also promote better mental health? In addition to improving memory, it can lower stress levels and reduce depression (according to American Behavioral Clinics). Plus, you don’t have to join a gym or buy a treadmill to walk. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes, and you can walk away your troubles.

4. Tackle your to-do list.

Sometimes, we’re stressed due to circumstances outside of our control. However, we can also stress ourselves out. Case in point—our to-do lists. Whether you have a physical list or a running tally in your head of everything that needs to get done, we all have responsibilities. If that list of yours has done nothing but expand, it’s time to whittle it down. Pro tip: Don’t attempt to do everything at once. Instead, tackle that list one item at a time. There’s no need to add stress to stress!

5. Go outside.

Like walking, nature offers a myriad of physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Not only can it sharpen our focus, but it can even help you recover from stress even more quickly! So, on those warm, sunny days, don’t just admire the great outdoors through a window. Go outside and soak up some rays! This is one of the best FREE self-care practices in the world.


6. Cook a healthy meal.

Self-care is exactly what the name implies—the act of taking care of yourself. Part of self-care includes maintaining your physical health. An easy way to do this is by practicing mindful eating. Pay attention to the foods you put in your body. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Choose an orange over a cookie every now and then.

7. Read a new book (or an old favorite)!

Reading has been a favorite pastime for hundreds of years. There’s something magical about losing yourself in a book: experiencing new worlds alongside fictional characters not so different from us. Additionally, reading is a wonderful stress reliever. In fact, it may reduce stress up to 68 percent! Not feeling up to reading? No matter—you can always give an audiobook a try.

8. Do something creative.

The arts have suffered at the hands of today’s fast-paced, digitized world. When we’re bored, we have the tendency to turn on the TV or scroll through Facebook. But social media is far from an anodyne. In fact, researchers believe it may actually have negative effects on mental health. Getting creative is a much better (and healthier) way to relieve boredom. Write that story that’s been trundling about your head for the past ten-odd years. Paint that breathtaking sunset. You don’t have to be an award-winning novelist or a renowned painter to be creative. All you need is an open mind and a full heart!

9. Plant some flowers.

Gardening is an excellent way to relieve stress. That’s why horticultural therapy exists! It can provide structure and meaning to our lives—two key components in the battle for our mental health. To score some inexpensive flowers, check discount tables at garden centers or look for local plant fairs.

10. Spend some time with friends.

Friendship is important—especially for seniors. Even the most introverted among us need that quality time with the people we love. The importance of friendship truly cannot be overstated. Friends provide emotional support and reduce loneliness. Studies also show that friendship might even have positive effects on our physical health. If you haven’t been feeling much like yourself lately, consider reaching out to your friends. Chances are, they’ll be happy to hear from you, too.


11. Hug a loved one.

younger woman hugging senior woman

Did you know that hugs are free therapy? Not only are they a great way to strengthen bonds between you and your loved ones, but they have a myriad of health benefits, too! From boosting your heart health to reducing stress, hugs truly are a great way to engage in self-care. Best of all, they don’t cost a dime.

12. Make a gratitude list.

Sometimes, we can focus on everything that’s going wrong in our lives. A bad day. A fight with a loved one. A broken friendship. In times like these, it’s especially important to show gratitude. Rather than zeroing in on all the negatives, look instead to the positives. Sit down and make a gratitude list. Write down everything you’re thankful for—every blessing, every smile, every kind word. Even in the worst of times, we do have things to be thankful for. Don’t be so focused on the forest that you lose sight of the trees.

13. Dance!

dancing couple

Dancing is a fun, inexpensive way to take care of yourself. You don’t have to join a class or even be a skilled dancer. Turn on your favorite music and get moving. It doesn’t matter how silly you look or feel. You’ll probably be having so much fun that you won’t have time to stop and feel self-conscious. And we guarantee you’ll feel better afterward, too!

14. Take a nap.

senior male resting on couch

Sometimes, the best way to take care of yourself is to do absolutely nothing. If life is stressing you out, grab your favorite blanket and take a little nap. In fact, a short afternoon nap can boost your health. Not only do naps improve memory, but they also ease stress and can even help you sleep better at night. So, the next time you find yourself nodding off, don’t reach for the coffee spot. Find a quiet spot and get a little shuteye. Your body—and brain—will thank you for it.

15. Watch a funny movie.

older man watching tv with coffee in his hand

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Turns out, that might be more than an idiom. In fact, laughter might be the best stress relief. It can improve your mood, boost your immune system, and even relieve pain (according to Mayo Clinic). If you’re feeling blue, turn on a movie that always makes you laugh and giggle away your troubles.

16. Drink water.

water bottle

Did you know that there’s a correlation between dehydration and depression? Studies show that men and women who drink less than two glasses of water a day are at an increased risk for depression. If you’ve been feeling a little gloomy lately, then make a point to drink more water. Get a refillable water bottle and make sure you’re sipping it throughout the day. Coffee, tea, and soda taste great, but the health benefits associated with drinking water can’t be beat!

17. Turn off your phone for an hour or two.

We live in a highly digitized world. We’re constantly inundated with news, calls, texts, and new information. While cell phones can be great, they can also cause anxiety and eyestrain. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with unplugging every once in a while. Turn off your cell phone or put it on Do Not Disturb. Don’t allow yourself to become beholden to every ding and buzz. Instead, put your phone away and reconnect with the world outside the tiny glowing scene. Maybe you’ll be like Louis Armstrong and find yourself thinking what a wonderful world it is!

18. Unfollow negative social media accounts.

Speaking of technology, we’ve all followed pages or people who are a maelstrom of negativity. If you follow a page that always negatively impacts your mood, then don’t be afraid to unfollow or even unfriend people. If you don’t feel like unfriending, you can always use Facebook’s mute feature and prevent yourself from seeing a certain person’s posts. Don’t allow yourself to become steeped in negativity. Try to always surround yourself with positive people and pages!


19. Clean your house.

Sometimes, our homes can reflect our mental states: dirty dishes piled in the sink, clothes spilling out of the hamper, empty wrappers scattered everywhere in sight. Clutter actually affects our anxiety levels and ability to focus. So, if you’re struggling to concentrate or battling an army of worried thoughts, look around your house. Is it messy? Have you been putting off a chore for weeks at a time? Roll up your sleeves, grab a broom, and start putting your home in order. If you can’t clean yourself, you can always hire a cleaning service to tidy your house for you. Don’t let clutter overtake your home or your brain space!

20. Go to bed early.

sleeping senior man staying healthy

We’ve all been guilty of staying up later than we should. However, not getting enough sleep puts you at a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, and even early death. So, if you’re not getting in your eight hours, work on fixing your sleep schedule. Start going to bed earlier and make sure you’re getting your shut-eye. You can’t be the best you if you’re not getting enough sleep! Plus, it doesn’t cost a dime to turn out the lights, crawl into bed, and drift off into dreamland.

*-Price at time of publishing.

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Looking for more?

If you’re looking for more thrifty tips, then check out these articles:

Popular Articles About Mental and Emotional Health, and Thrifty Tips

Originally published November 08, 2023


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