Senior Resources » Write For Us

Write For Us is always on the lookout for sharp new additions to our team of freelance writers. Our audience enjoys reading articles about retirement and estate planning, caregiving tips, senior living, senior wellness, grandparenting, and much more. We’d like a chance to vet your previous work and experience, so please let us know a little bit about yourself. If we think you’re a good fit, expect an editor to be in touch regarding our Writer’s Guidelines and freelance rates. We maintain a list of topics and titles to be written, but we’re also open to hearing pitches you might have for us. Thanks for reaching out!

To get started, send the following information in an email to

  • Subject: “Freelance Inquiry – Your Name”
  • Please tell us a little about your background and writing experience.
  • Include at least 3 links to previously published work.
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Free Senior Resources

Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

The Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

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5 Health conditions e-book cover

5 Health Conditions That Affect Baby Boomers and 5 Ways to Avoid Them

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ultimate estate planning checklist and guide

Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist & Guide

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Guide to Adult Day Care

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