Senior Resources » 5 Simple Cognitive Exercises to Keep Senior Minds Sharp

5 Simple Cognitive Exercises to Keep Senior Minds Sharp

Physical exercise can certainly boost brain health and reduce your risk of cognitive decline. However, did you know that you can also do cognitive exercises to keep your brain in shape? From playing word games to learning a new language, there are countless ways you can give your brain a workout. Here are FIVE simple cognitive exercises that will keep your mind sharp, even as you age.


1. Jigsaw Puzzles

grandpa and puzzle

Anyone who’s worked a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle won’t be surprised to learn that puzzles are a mental workout. Not only do they improve your memory, but they may also hone your critical thinking skills! They challenge both halves of your brain—the logic-driven left and the creative right. Plus, studies show that puzzles lower stress levels and improve moods. So, if you’re feeling down in the dumps, buy a puzzle and get to work! Your brain will thank you.

2. Crossword Puzzles

If you enjoy crossword puzzles, I’ve got good news for you. They’re actually a wonderful cognitive workout, stimulating brain neurons and boosting memory function. They may also evoke a sense of nostalgia—a feeling that can actually stave off loneliness, boredom, and even anxiety. Of course, keeping your brain sharp may also reduce your risk of developing memory disorders, like dementia or Alzheimer’s. You can find FREE daily crossword puzzles at The Washington Post or in your local newspaper. Or you can buy a crossword book, like this one from Amazon.


3. Trivia Games

It should come as no surprise that trivia games, such as Trivial Pursuit, keep your brain sharp and alert. Trivia requires us to remember facts and produce information rapid fire. It’s almost like a sprinting session for your brain! And while trivia can sharpen memory and improve your problem-solving skills, there’s actually another benefit. Trivia games are often social, meaning that you connect with friends both new and old. Staying socially connected is important, especially in our golden years. So, if you’ve spent decades of your life collecting facts and data, don’t let it collect dust in the furthest recesses of your brain. Show off your knowledge at a trivia night!

4. Scrabble

Scrabble is a fun way to bond with your friends and loved ones. While you may call the validity of each other’s word choices into question, it’s still a wonderful way to make precious memories. Plus, Scrabble may benefit your brain in other ways. Not only will it expand your vocabulary, but it also may also improve your focus. Plus, it’s not difficult to learn if you’ve never played. It’s a simple game with easy rules and big benefits. So, what are you waiting for? Plan a Scrabble night with your friends and family!

5. Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts boast a wide range of benefits. From mental stimulation to reduced stress to improved cognitive function, the perks can’t be overstated! But arts and crafts may have even more benefits! Working on a creative project may instill you with a sense of purpose and improve your self-confidence. You can even turn arts and crafts into a social event by inviting friends and family to join you. Truly, this may be one of the most fun and simple exercises to keep your brain sharp!

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Originally published October 09, 2023


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