Senior Resources » Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Can You Go to Heaven if You’re Cremated?

Cremation can be controversial for Christians. Traditionally, many Christians have chosen burial rather than cremation for bodies after death. We believe that human bodies are sacred and should be treated with respect. We may also have concerns about the resurrection of the dead without graves. If you’re grieving a loved one’s death or making funeral plans yourself, you may wonder, “Can you go to heaven if you’re cremated?”

Close up on a burial urn with yellow roses, in a bright funeral scene

A/B Trusts, Protect Your Assets and Avoid Probate

Using this little-known estate planning technique, you not only avoid probate, but the Credit Shelter “B” Trust can also grow to unimaginable sums with absolutely no future federal or state estate taxes.

A/B Trusts, Protect Your Assets and Avoid Probate

How to Invalidate a Will

Life changes, and sometimes your will needs to change too. Whether you have a new grandchild, moved across the country, or simply want to update your wishes, there are ways to make your current will null and void. This video shares some simple steps to ensure your estate is distributed according to your latest desires.

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The Taxman and Your Estate

“Now my advice for those who die, declare the pennies on your eyes.”

hand out collecting money

How to Avoid the Worst Estate Planning Mistake

In this podcast, David T. Phillips, CEO of Estate Planning Specialists, reveals the number one estate planning mistake and shares the strategies you can implement to avoid that mistake.

dollar bill with hands fighting ovver it

How Much Does it Cost to Amend a Will?

Creating a will is a critical part of estate planning. However, as life progresses and circumstances change, you may need to amend your existing will. Here’s everything you need to know.

how much does it cost to amend a will?

How to Tap Underutilized Burial Benefits for Veterans

Most U.S. veterans (both combat and non-combat) who didn’t receive a dishonorable discharge are eligible for burial benefits.

veteran funeral

Essential First Steps in Estate Planning: How to Safeguard Your Legacy

Regardless of your financial status, having a well-thought-out estate plan is essential for ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes and minimizing potential conflicts among your beneficiaries.

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Logical Estate Planning to Keep Predators, Creditors, and the IRS from Taking Over

Don’t become another cautionary tale like Howard Hughes, whose $2.5 billion estate became entangled in a legal battle after over 20 wills surfaced.

money, hundred dollar bill locked up with pad lock

What to Ponder Before Remarrying Later in Life

Getting remarried later in life can actually bring about a host of financial and legal issues that are much more complicated than they are for younger couples just starting out. Here are some common problem areas you need to think about, and some tips that can help you solve them. 

wedding shoes

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