Senior Resources » 10 Positives of Being a Single Boomer

10 Positives of Being a Single Boomer

I’m a single Boomer. Sure, I’ve been in relationships in the past, but right now, there’s not a ring on my finger or a special someone at my side. And guess what? That’s perfectly okay! Society might try to tell you there’s something wrong with being single, but I’m here to say that’s totally false. Single life has benefits, the same as married life does. Here are 10 positives of being a single Boomer.


1. You have more time for yourself.

self care skin

Most of us Boomers have spent a lot of our lives caring for others. If you’re single now, you have all the time in the world for yourself. Now is the perfect opportunity for you to slow down and catch your breath. Get in touch with yourself and your emotional needs. Really think about what you want from life and make time for the things that are important to you. Use this time to grow and reflect.

2. You don’t have to answer to anyone else.

sleeping on the couch seniors

We’ve all had to answer to somebody in our lives. From significant others to parents to bosses, most of us have had to answer to at least one other person. When you’re single, you get to set your own schedule. You can make decisions without explaining the rationale behind them and build the kind of lifestyle you want. This is a definite advantage of singlehood!


3. You can develop new hobbies.

hand using a paint pallet

Time is one of the most important commodities, and there never seems to be enough of it. Fortunately, if you’re single, you have a little more time than most! If you’ve ever wanted to learn creative writing or take up painting, now’s your chance! Don’t squander your free time. Make the most of it!

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4. You have more time for friends, both new and old.

When we’re in a relationship, we don’t have as much time for our friends. The good news is, single people do! Forge new friendships and deepen old ones. Meet new people. Put yourself out there and widen your social circle! Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you have to be alone.

5. You learn self-reliance.

Single senior lady waking up with a smile.

Living on your own brings a slew of new challenges and concerns. But guess what? You’re a Boomer, and you’ll rise to the occasion. See each new challenge as an opportunity for personal growth and learn how to rely on yourself and your own instincts.


6. You can travel more.

Guess what, single Boomers? If you want to hop on a plane and fly to Italy, nobody is stopping you. You have travel flexibility. Chances are, you also have enough savings to make all your travel dreams come true. Enjoy your independence. Check items off your travel bucket list and live life to the fullest.

7. You’ll be in control of your home.

senior man sitting outside with bottle of soda

If you don’t like sharing your space with others, then you’ll love the single life. You can set the thermostat to whatever temperature you like. When you’re getting ready in the morning, you can take your time without worrying about somebody else needing the bathroom. Your bedroom drawers will have more space for your clothes and belongings. Truly, this is one of the best perks of single life!

8. You can make your own entertainment choices.

Single senior man watching TV.

Have you ever been in a relationship with somebody who has completely different tastes from you? Maybe they liked country, and you prefer rock. Or maybe they like horror movies, and you’re more of a romcom guy or gal. Whatever the case, you don’t have to worry about compromising when you’re single! You can make your own entertainment choices and enjoy your shows and music at your discretion.

9. You can set your own schedule.

When you live with another person, your time becomes their time. Your schedule tends to revolve around theirs. However, singles don’t have to worry about that. You’ll get to set their own schedule and follow your own routine. My advice? Prioritize your health. Start a workout routine. Fill your schedule with volunteer opportunities. Live a life that’s so full, you don’t even notice your lack of a special someone.

10. You have more financial control.

When you’re single, you have complete control over your finances. And while this can be difficult or even scary, I choose to view it as a positive. You get to choose how much money you spend and on what you spend it. This can be an amazing opportunity to learn more about your finances. Set a budget and stick to it. Be careful with your savings. You may not be spending your money on somebody else, but don’t be foolish! After all, you only have to answer to yourself.


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Single senior man gardening.

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Originally published October 02, 2023


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