Senior Resources » 14 Unique Ways Retirees Can Make Extra Money in 2024

14 Unique Ways Retirees Can Make Extra Money in 2024

retired woman with long, gray hair, holding a fan of 100 dollar bills, blue background
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Whether you’re looking for full-time work or a part-time gig, as a retiree you have more options than you probably realize. But, don’t worry – you’ve come to a safe place. We’re not going to try to convince you that filling out online surveys or playing app store BINGO is worth your time (it’s not!). We have some real money-making side hustles in mind that you can do online OR offline! Regardless of where you’re at in your retirement journey, here are a few unique and (most importantly) viable ways to make some extra money!


1. Start a blog.

typing on computer in lap
Image Credit: Pexels

Starting a blog is easier than ever in 2024! Simply create an account using a platform like Blogger or WordPress, and start writing!

OK, it’s a little more work than that – but, the good news is anyone can learn to blog. All you need to get started is an idea (or, more commonly, a niche). Your blog should be all about something you’re passionate about (maybe traveling through retirement, cooking with your grandkids, couponing, your collection of vintage tools, or – well, you get it). Once you get blogging, you can earn passive income through ads or affiliate marketing. Not to mention, blogging can often lead to other gigs from people who have seen your stories and like your style! Many bloggers even go on to write books.


Resources to learn more about blogging:

The Blog Starter

Neil Patel

WordPress Beginner


2. Become a consultant.

Boomer man wearing a jean jacket and wearing headphones around his neck using a laptop computer at a desk to make money
Image Credit: Shutterstock

One really cool thing about being a retiree is that you probably have a particular subject or two that you know an awful lot about. Think about it – you’ve spent a big chunk of your life up to this point working somewhere, right? Having worked in a certain field for 20, 30-plus years would make you kind of an expert on things. Why not leverage your knowledge to make a little extra money? Offer your consulting services to ramp up another business’s marketing or help them solve their IT crisis. Train newbies within your old stomping grounds or offer to analyze operational performances. According to Indeed, the average salary for consultants is around $28 per hour. And, if your expertise is in a really specific niche, that number could go higher!

It’s worth noting that while you can find consulting positions and gigs on all the usual digital job boards, it might be worth your while to consider starting your own website to advertise your services (see number 1!).

3. Pet sitting.

elderly man meditating with dog
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Do you have a fondness for furry friends? A passion for poisson? Then try pet sitting! If you’re an animal lover, this is a super easy way to earn some extra retirement cash. In fact, it might not even feel like work at all! The average pet sitter charges anywhere from $20 to $50 per hour (depending on location and relationship with the client). Not bad for cuddling some critters!

Get started by advertising your services to friends and family. Post about it on your social media accounts. Eventually, you’ll start getting word-of-mouth business! And, bonus, if you’re dog-walking as part of the gig, you’ll get some exercise out of the deal too!

4. Launch a podcast.

woman doing podcast with computer and headphones
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Do you have a niche you could talk about all day long? Well then, podcasting might just be for you! You can start a podcast relatively cheap; but, if you want to sound like a pro, it’s worth investing in some good equipment. Although it may take a little while to gain a following, once you have an established community, the sky is the limit! Podcasting is projected to reach around 500 million listeners by 2024. The audience is there! All you have to do is create the content and start inserting ads. Once you gain an even larger following, you can begin going after advertisers yourself!

Resources to learn more about podcasting:

Senior Resource Podcast Network

How to Start a Podcast in 14 Days

5. Rent a room.

senior friends laughing on couch about  14 ways retirees can make extra money
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Shared housing is a growing trend among Baby Boomers and Gen Z alike. Among the best reasons to home share are companionship, support, safety, and of course, shared expenses. Rent out a room in your home to save a little on bills and groceries and gain a friend! You can rent on a monthly basis, or opt for something a little more long-term.

6. Sell your crafts.

senior woman doing pottery
Image Credit: Shutterstock

If you’re already sewing or doing macrame because it’s fun and relaxing, then why not make a little money off of your hobby? Start out small by offering your works of art to friends and family or on social media (try Facebook Marketplace). If you find that you have a knack for selling, try setting up shop at a craft fair, local consignment shop, or even Etsy.

7. Start a YouTube channel.

pretend youtube
Image Credit: Shutterstock

No, really. Once you start getting over 1,000 subscribers, YouTube will start sharing ad revenue. Think you don’t have what it takes to start a channel? Not even a little bit true! Just like blogging and podcasting, all you need is a niche and a passion (OK, and maybe some video equipment). You can also make money using affiliate marketing and creating sponsored content.

8. Go to garage sales.

garage sale sign
Image Credit: Shutterstock

This one is for the natural-born haggler. Go to garage sales around your neighborhood (or, venture a little further for more variety!). Negotiate dirt-cheap prices on items you think you can “flip.” In other words, pay pennies for someone’s “junk,” fix it up, then sell it! You can sell the items on Facebook Marketplace, Ebay, or at your own future garage sale.

9. Become a transcriptionist.

retiree typing on a computer
Image Credit: Shutterstock

If you’re good at typing, transcribing is an easier gig to grab than you may realize! There are actually lots of websites out there that will take you on as a freelance transcriptionist after taking a simple grammar and spelling test. Payment varies depending on the platform and how many hours worth you’re transcribing, but the average is somewhere around $15 per hour.

Become a transcriptionist on these platforms:






10. Tutor students.

Image Credit: Shutterstock

You can do this online or out in your community. Check with a local school, library, or community center for positions. If you’re looking to make money with this one, definitely check with your host first. It’s likely that a tutor at a library is volunteering for free. But, if you sign up with an online company like, you can expect around $15 per hour for your services.

11. Sell your photos.

tiny red flower between fingers
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Stock photographers make anywhere from $0.02 to $0.25 per image per month. If you’re into photography, it’s an easy type of passive income to get into. However, the downside is that there are literally millions of stock photos you’ll be competing with for those cents. This is a job that can make money over time but you might have to be patient to see the growth.

Become a stock photographer on these platforms:



12. Become a freelancer.

older woman with head set
Image Credit: Shutterstock

What’s your specialty? Art? Writing? Data entry? Organizing? You can work one or more part-time gigs at once by joining a community board for freelancers. You’ll find various jobs across many areas of interest. See below to get connected with the most popular job boards!


Become a freelancer on these platforms:


Flex Jobs

13. Fly a drone.

flying a drone for photography
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Talk about mixing hobbies and money-making! Did you know that there are businesses out there that will pay you to fly a drone and take some photos? It’s true! Real estate agents, hotels, and resorts are just a few that are willing to pay you top dollar for some unique vantage points. The average drone pilot earns anywhere from $70 to $250 per hour. This can be a freelance, pay-per-project type of thing, or, set up your own website and make it into an entire business!

14. Drive your car.

reitree or senior hands on steering wheel
Image Credit: Shutterstock

The amount of money you can make driving for services like Uber and Lyft entirely depends on how many hours you work. Gig Worker reports that the average driver makes about $13.70 per hour – but that amount can go up if you’re in a more expensive state, or if you drive during peak hours and during special events.

Are you a retiree looking to make extra money in 2024?

Check out more great resources for working Boomers and Beyond!

Check out these thrifty tips:


Popular Articles About Financial Planning, and Thrifty Tips

Originally published May 28, 2024


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