Senior Resources » 5 Health Benefits of Winter Walking

5 Health Benefits of Winter Walking

During winter, walking is probably the last thing on most people’s minds. However, walking during colder months can be good for both the body and soul! Here are 5 benefits of winter walking.


1. Boost your energy naturally.

We all rely on caffeine for energy, especially during those long winter months. But did you know that walking for just ten minutes can actually boost your energy for two hours? You read that right! So the next time you reach for your coffee pot, put on your walking shoes instead. You won’t regret it!

2. Reduces stress.

Stress. It’s the worst enemy of humanity. No one is immune to this silent killer. Stress can melt away during the warm summer months, but when the cold sets in, we’re often alone with our thoughts. Instead of ruminating and creating even more stress for yourself, you should go for a walk! The crisp air will help clear your mind and eliminate stress.


Read Next: How to Start a Walking Program and Stay Motivated

3. Lower your risk of heart disease.

Walking is a weight-bearing exercise, which can actually help reduce the risk of both heart disease and stroke. Not only that, but being in nature can boost Vitamin D—much-needed during those long, dark, winter months.

4. Burn more calories.

Most of us put on a pound or two during the winter. Maybe it’s because the cold weather makes us indulge in our comfort foods. Or maybe it’s because we’re not moving enough. The good news is, there’s a solution—winter walking! When you exercise in cold weather, your body actually burns more calories. So, bundle up, choose your favorite walking trail, and get out there!

5. Fight infections.

This is a tip we all could’ve used during the pandemic! When your body is forced to adapt to colder environments, it actually boosts your immune system. Translation—your ability to fight infections grows stronger. How’s that for a benefit?


Safety First!

While winter walking has a lot of benefits, safety is also important! If you’re anything like me, I don’t have to remind you that you’re not as young as you used to be. Here are a few ways to stay safe while you enjoy your winter walks.

  • Bundle up!
  • Don’t walk too late and make sure there’s still plenty of light out when you go.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Don’t walk on dark spots on pavement and assume they’re icy or slippery.
  • Start slow and be cautious.
  • Wear gloves and a hat.
  • Only choose safe routes.
  • Wear sensible shoes with good traction.
  • Take snacks.
  • Walk with a friend!

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Originally published May 12, 2023


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