Senior Resources » 9 Simple Secrets to Master Caregiving Chaos

9 Simple Secrets to Master Caregiving Chaos

overwhelmed woman 9 Simple Secrets to Master Caregiving Chaos

Being a caregiver can be a rewarding experience, but it is not without its challenges. Caring for a senior loved one involves a lot of time, patience, and energy. In addition to your regular day-to-day activities, you have new responsibilities, unexpected emergencies, and long-term planning. However, being organized can help you manage your responsibilities more efficiently and reduce your stress. Let’s talk about some strategies for getting (and staying) organized while caregiving.


1. Create a Schedule

to do list

Not all tasks are created equal. Some tasks are more urgent or important than others. Prioritizing your tasks can help you focus on what needs to be done first. Remember, it is okay to say no or delegate certain tasks if you are feeling overwhelmed.

You can use a planner, calendar, or app to keep track of your schedule. Here are some resources to get you started:

  • FamCal – Share your events, to-do lists, grocery lists, and more with this family calendar app! Simply add multiple users to your account, use the color code to easily identify whose task is whose, then stay in-the-know with everyone’s daily schedule!
  • Calendly – An app like Calendly can be a game-changer for caregivers looking to balance their work and home life effectively. Share availability with family members and set automatic reminders for literally anything!

2. Keep Records

Keep track of medications, allergies, and health conditions. You may also want to document any adverse reactions or complications that arise. Additionally, you may want to create a medical history binder that includes all the relevant medical and insurance information.

3. Create a System for Medication Management

Medication sorting

Keeping track of medication for a senior loved one can be made easier by utilizing various tools and strategies. Here are some ideas:

  • Apps and calendars – Create a dedicated medication schedule using a smartphone app or a physical calendar. This schedule should include the names of the medications, dosages, and times for administration. Setting reminders on your phone or using reminders through your management app can help ensure you stay organized. Here are a couple of medication management apps we like:
  • Pill organizers – Start by gathering all the medications that need to be organized. Then, open the compartments of the pill organizer and assign each compartment to a specific day of the week and time of day. Caregivers should carefully read the labels on the medication bottles to determine the correct dosage and timing for each pill. Next, place the appropriate pills into the designated compartments according to the schedule. Don’t forget to double-check that each medication is placed in the correct slot. Once the organizer is filled, it becomes a visual reminder of which pills should be taken at specific times.

4. Delegate Tasks

You don’t have to do everything yourself. Friends and family members can be a great resource for helping you manage your caregiving duties. Think about tasks that can be easily delegated, such as grocery shopping, house cleaning, or meal prep.

If you’re in need of help outside of the family, hire a home care professional.


5. Simplify Your Environment


Clutter can create chaos, and as a caregiver, the last thing you need is additional stress. Simplify your environment by decluttering your living space. Prioritize what’s essential, and get rid of items that are no longer needed.

6. Find Elder Care Products to Simplify Daily Activities

Some innovative products that can help simplify daily activities include tablets for seniors or voice assistants. Also, think about home modifications like walk-in tubs and grab bars, as well as devices like pill organizers, easy-to-use can openers, and clip-on book lights. Explore these options and find the most suitable products that meet the needs of you and your senior loved one.

7. Keep a Health Journal of Your Senior Loved One’s Needs

writing a checklist

Keeping a health journal is a valuable practice that can help you track and manage your loved one’s specific needs effectively. By recording important information such as medications, appointments, symptoms, and daily activities, your journal provides a comprehensive overview of their healthcare journey. It allows you to easily reference past events, identify patterns or changes in their condition, and communicate more effectively with healthcare professionals. Additionally, a health journal can help you stay organized, ensure timely administration of medications, and provide a useful tool for sharing information with other caregivers or family members.

8. Take Care of Yourself

As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Caring for others is an essential role, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your own self-care. Schedule regular ‘me time,’ whether it’s a spa visit, yoga class, or coffee with a friend. Additionally, don’t forget about the importance of eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.

9. Be Realistic

It’s important to remember to be realistic about what you can handle. While establishing routines and schedules can lead to better organization, you should acknowledge that caregiving is a challenging responsibility. Enlist support when needed, don’t hesitate to ask for help, and always take time for yourself. Whether you seek professional caregiving assistance from a senior care provider or simply ask family members for support, it’s important to be realistic about what you can handle.


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Originally published July 24, 2023


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