Senior Resources » Food Is Fuel

Food Is Fuel

healthy food on the left, junk food on the right
Image Credit: Canva Pro


Welcome to another enlightening episode of Next Steps for Seniors: Conversations on Aging with Wendy Jones. In this episode, Wendy is joined by the insightful Bev Ferrari, a passionate health minister, to dive into nutrition and its powerful impact on our lives.

In “Food is Fuel” Wendy and Bev tackle one of the most prevalent issues in today’s society: weight management. They explore why so many people struggle with their weight, often due to consuming the wrong types of food. Bev shares her expert knowledge on how important it is to eat for fuel and energy rather than just for taste and convenience.


The conversation takes you through a foundational weight management formula: burning more calories than we consume to burn fat effectively. But beyond the numbers, Wendy and Bev delve into the mindset needed to shift our eating habits. They discuss practical first steps which start at breakfast and set the tone for a day of healthy eating.  Food is meant to fuel us.  Bev covers snack ideas that are delicious and beneficial while keeping you sustained throughout the day.

Tune in to discover how you can transform your relationship with food and take the next steps toward a healthier, more energized life.  Join Wendy and Bev for another uplifting, insightful, and informative discussion that inspires you to fuel your body the right way.

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Listen to “Food Is Fuel,” Above!

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Originally published May 24, 2024


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