Senior Resources » Retro Radio Theater Presents: Jack Benny and Our Miss Brooks

Retro Radio Theater Presents: Jack Benny and Our Miss Brooks

RETRO RADIO THEATER’s host, Carl Amari, has spent this 40+ career licensing the rights to 100,000+ original radio programs, including Jack Benny, Suspense, Our Miss Brooks, The Shadow, Gunsmoke, Sam Spade, Burns & Allen, The Whistler and The Life of Riley.  Amari is a foremost authority on the history of radio and curator of the Classic Radio Club where fans of original radio can collect episodes direct from the master source  On each Retro Radio Theater podcast, he’ll present two 30-minute original radio broadcasts along with their historical information.  


The Jack Benny Program
5/7/50 Jack Buys a New Suit w/ Jack Benny and all his gang

Our Miss Brooks
10/1/50 Miss Brooks May Have the Measles w/ Eve Arden


Connect with Carl Amari

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Originally published September 11, 2023


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