Senior Resources » Were You Diagnosed With Cataracts? Here’s What to Expect

Were You Diagnosed With Cataracts? Here’s What to Expect

eye care
Image Credit: Canva


Just diagnosed with cataracts? Feeling unsure of what comes next? Understanding the process can ease your anxiety and prepare you for the journey to better vision. Here’s what to expect as you move forward with cataract management.

Diagnosis and Assessment

eye exam

Your eye care professional will do a thorough eye examination to determine the degree of vision impairment and confirm the existence of cataracts if they suspect the condition. If you are feeling any early cataract symptoms, seeking a diagnosis should be your first step. You would be advised to get a few tests done, such as intraocular pressure measurement, slit-lamp examinations, and visual acuity tests. These evaluations provide your doctor information about the degree of cataracts and how they affect your vision, which helps them decide on the best course of therapy.


Lifestyle Modifications

senior woman with hand over eye, sad or in pain

You might notice changes in your vision as cataracts worsen, including hazy or blurry vision, heightened sensitivity to light, and trouble seeing at night. You may need to adjust your lifestyle to meet your changing visual demands in order to deal with these changes. While controlling cataracts, you can improve your comfort and safety by making little changes like wearing magnifying glasses for reading, avoiding nighttime driving, and enhancing illumination at home.

Treatment Options


Your eye care professional could suggest surgery if cataracts dramatically reduce your eyesight and quality of life. The hazy lens is removed during cataract surgery, a very successful treatment, and is replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). You will talk about the surgical procedure, possible advantages and disadvantages, and the kind of IOL that will best meet your visual requirements during your appointment. You can establish reasonable expectations for your visual results and develop confidence in the decision-making process by discussing your treatment alternatives with your practitioner.

Cataract Preoperative Prep

eye exam

You will have preoperative assessments before cataract surgery to make sure you are in good enough health for the operation. Measurements of the size and form of your eyes, conversations about anesthetic alternatives, and the right IOL power can all be part of these evaluations. Preoperative care instructions, such as stopping certain medicines and fasting before surgery, will also be given by your physician. Following these recommendations and being proactive about your preoperative care set the stage for a successful and easy surgery.


Surgical Procedure

eye surgery

You can usually go home the same day as your operation since cataract surgery is done as an outpatient procedure. You will go through preoperative procedures at the surgical facility, such as anesthetic administration and surgery site sterilization. After that, your surgeon will remove the cataract. This process can include femtosecond laser-assisted surgery or phacoemulsification. To help you see clearly again, your surgeon will remove the cataract and then implant an artificial IOL. Your care team will put your comfort and safety first throughout the procedure to make sure you have a great experience from beginning to end.

Postoperative Recovery

eye drops

Following cataract surgery, you will go through a postoperative recovery phase in which your eyes heal and become used to having the new IOL. To prevent infection and minimize inflammation, your physician will prescribe eye drops that you must give on a prescribed schedule. Attending follow-up sessions is crucial for tracking your development and addressing any issues as soon as they arise. Many patients see an improvement in their vision within a few days, and complete stability occurs in the following weeks. However, recovery timeframes might vary. You increase your chances of a good result and gain from improved eyesight by doing what your doctor advises and taking an active role in your postoperative care.

eye care

Managing cataracts is a process that encompasses many steps, from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgery and recovery after surgery. You give yourself the ability to make educated choices and get the best possible visual results by being aware of what to anticipate along the route and actively involved in your treatment. You set out on a journey to clarity and improved quality of life with the help of your eye care professional and dedication to your visual health.

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Originally published March 15, 2024


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