Senior Resources » 5 Courageous Ideas for Seniors

5 Courageous Ideas for Seniors

It’s not uncommon for seniors to become more cautious or retreat into their comfort zones as they age. But, as this video will affirm, there are at least 5 ways we can learn to flourish in our bravery as we grow older. Watch below to discover how you can embrace courage in your senior years.


Embracing change can allow us to make significant contributions to our community and leave a meaningful legacy. This isn’t a period for obstinacy or fear. Rather, seniors can view change as a divine gift; an opportunity for growth and renewal.

Download your FREE prayer guide, Blessings for Baby Boomers

Blessings for Baby Boomers

15 days of prayers for guidance to follow God and trust His miraculous plan for your life! We hope that over these few days, God will renew, revive, restore, and strengthen your love and faith!


Download your FREE prayer guide!

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Originally published February 19, 2024


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