Senior Resources » Benefits of a Retirement Job

Benefits of a Retirement Job

lady with glasses sitting at desk behind laptop, working senior
Image Credit: Canva

Most retirees don’t take a job just because they need the money. According to the 2008 National Study of the Changing Workforce which was produced by Families and Work Institute, only 18% of working retirees said they work because other income sources aren’t sufficient. Additionally, other statistics show that up to 32% of post-retirement-age seniors have jobs. Whether you need the money or the fulfillment, here’s why you should consider getting a job.


1. The Money’s Nice but Not Necessary

happy retired man holding wallet open with money, on green background with dollar signs all around him
Image Credit: Canva Pro

Only 18% of retirees need a job to pay the bills, but over half want it to make their retirement more comfortable. If you have a savings plan, you’ll have plenty of income in retirement and can use the money to have fun. So, if you want more pocket money for shopping and splurging, then you might want to consider a job!

2. Do It Because You Want To Do It

celebrating woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock

It’s very liberating to be able to live life on your terms and get a job without worrying about what your paycheck will be. You could work at a non-profit because the low pay doesn’t matter to you. You could even volunteer part of the time and not worry about money at all. According to the National Study of the Changing Workforce, 31% of seniors say they work because they do not want to be bored.


3. Staying Mentally Active

celebrating retiree on orange baackground
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Lack of mental exercise plays a role in cases of dementia. Many studies have shown mental engagement keeps mental illness at bay and provides hope for the future. A third of seniors work to stay mentally engaged, so you’re not the only one who wants to have an income opportunity.

4. Social Interaction

wildlife volunteer
Image Credit: Shutterstock

A job provides a social community to its members. When many people retire after spending a good chunk of their week at work, they lose this social community. No more outings with work friends due to conflicting schedules. No more happy hours and no more corporate functions. Understandably, this can cause a big drop in socialization for many people. This loss of social interaction is a great reason to get a part-time job in retirement. Combine social interaction with following your dreams, and you’ll have a rewarding work experience in your golden years.

What Types of Retirement Jobs Should You Choose?

While many workaholics won’t want to give up their fast-paced lifestyle, you’re retired! Of course, if the nine-to-five rat race makes you happy, then you should stick with it! However, my advice as a retiree who’s had part-time jobs? I would say you should take it easy. Go for jobs that challenge you mentally without being stressful. Here are some key features of retirement jobs that you should look for when making your final choice.

1. A Slower Pace

Unless you crave action and deadlines, an ideal retirement job should be more relaxed. If you spent your career sacrificing everything but your firstborn child for your company, you should enjoy your later years by achieving personal goals. A slower pace is good since you won’t have lots of stress building up. Also, you won’t have the ever-present sword hanging over your head like many do in the rat race!


2. Good Pay With Less Stress

With all your experience, you can surely find a new job or business. You can make good money when you want to work. It’s all up to you. Just make sure that you go for jobs that have good pay with minimal stress. You spent your entire working life anxious and on edge. Don’t waste any more emotional energy stressing about a job in your golden years!

3. Work from Home

Work-from-home opportunities are exploding in the 21st-century business world. Human resources, marketing, distribution, fulfillment, and website management are all things that are getting outsourced to freelancers. If you have any experience in these fields, you can pick up a job easily without having to report to another boss. Your experience is valuable to companies. And, with the internet, many of these functions can be done online in your pajamas!

4. Advise Others Who Are Starting In Your Old Career

You can get a temporary job related to your previous career. Let’s say, for example, that you were an accountant. You could help a startup helping them develop an efficient bookkeeping system. There are tons of opportunities to help small businesses that need your skills so look around for smaller enterprises that might need someone.

5. Dream Jobs Unrelated To Your Career

Instead of doing what you’ve always done, you can easily start a dream job or business. Always wanted to work at a brewery? You could become a brewer’s assistant. Many microbreweries are sprouting up all over the U.S., so it’s the perfect time to start! With a strong hankering to learn, many people will take you on board if you have a work ethic and a desire to learn. Many teachers simply love teaching whatever skill they have to a willing apprentice.

Best Places To Score Retirement Jobs

Image Credit: Unsplash



With a simple interface and countless resources, RetiredBrains focuses exclusively on older workers. Job hunters can search for job listings in the U.S. and abroad by keyword, location, and more! You can even hire a job search agent to email you matches, as well as polish and post your résumé for employers to find you!


This website is full of valuable content for all Baby Boomers! In addition to articles related to employment, YoungatHeart also boasts information about second careers, and whether age plays a role in that decision. And, with news and lifestyle tips, this site is great for older adults who want to plan the next stage of their life.


The slogan “No pastures here” pretty much says it all!’s is targeted toward mature workers searching for employment or approaching retirement. Boasting listings made by my companies wanting to hire people who are 50 and older, this site is a must-visit for seniors seeking employment!


For the executive-level person, ExecuNet strives to connect executives with new jobs and recruiting firms. While the job board is 100% dedicated to executives and upper-level employees who make over $100,000 annually, there’s also content geared toward people who are striving to become executives themselves!



Founded by former Fortune 500 human resources executives, RetirementJobs locates companies that want older workers and pairs them with job-seekers. Better yet, it’s FREE to search for jobs! Of course, the site also offers a premium package that grants the user access to special members-only content and classes. No Boomer will have trouble finding a job with this site!

How To Get Your Desired Retirement Job Opportunity

asian lady older on computer
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Now that you know what you want, how do you get it? Going to websites and applying for jobs just isn’t going to cut it for this specialized search. Here are a few more points of interest to remember!

1. Look at companies that want you.

The sites in the previous section are looking for seniors or work-from-home professionals. There are many reasons why these employers want older workers. Many employers want younger people since they have the misguided belief that older workers will make more demands or are outdated in their skills. Since you’re retired, they might think you’ll be harder to please. Avoid these silly biases by looking at sites that want professionals online.

2. Open, honest communication.

The fact is, you dictate your schedule now. If an employer wants something that you don’t want to give them, then this isn’t the right fit. If you’re prepared to be picky up front, you’ll avoid having a dream job turn into a nightmare and major stressor.

3. Visit the places you might want to work.

Yep, you read that right! See if you can schedule a little visit to a potential workplace so you can get a feel for the corporate environment. Make sure it’s the right fit and really observe everything. Like I said in the last tip, you don’t want your dream job to turn into a nightmare!

4. Don’t overlook turning our hobby into a money maker.

A lot of popular senior jobs aren’t on websites or job lists. The roles are there but you have to find them. Sometimes, you might have to volunteer first but can be placed into a longer-term part-time job once they have grown to like you.


Image Credit: Shutterstock

Overall, finding the right retirement job can be an enjoyable experience if you have the right attitude and spend time finding the right thing for you. If you want a regular part-time job or you want to start a home business, there are opportunities for you. Just get out there and find something that will make your golden years even more enjoyable!

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Originally published May 21, 2024


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