Senior Resources » Boomers Remember When

Boomers Remember When

Remember when soda was called pop and came in a small bottle for only a dime?  Then there was the fountain drink that came in the paper cone sitting in a tin container as we drank it and listened to the jukebox at the corner drug store.  Today, that soda costs $1.60 and comes from a machine while we listen to music or podcasts on our smart devices.

Remember when soda was called pop and came in a small bottle for only a dime?  Half-empy Coke bottle in the sun light.
Photo by Marc Fulgar on Unsplash

Remember the 55 Chevy that we loaded our families in to take that much-needed vacation 250 miles away? We packed a cooler, made sandwiches, and stopped at a picnic table on the side of the road to eat. Today, we pack the minivan or catch a jet to fly to interesting places. We eat at chain restaurants and stay at luxury hotels by the beach.

Remember 55 Chevies?
Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

Remember when television had shows like Gun Smoke and I Love Lucy, and there was no remote control? Now we stream Netflix and Hulu and can watch an entire season of a show in just one day. Oh, and a remote that we are constantly trying to figure out – that is if we can find it.

Television set with dials and no remote control
Photo by PJ Gal-Szabo on Unsplash

Remember when we went to drive-in movies, rolled the windows down, and sat outside of our cars on lawn chairs? Today we watch movies on our computers, cell phones, and tablets.

Car at the drive-in movie. Remember when speakers hung on the window?

Related: Did YOU Watch the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show?

Remember when going fishing meant picking up a cane pole and digging up a few worms for bait and heading to the nearest water hole? Today we shop at sporting goods stores for the finest and travel far to find a lake that just might have some fish still in it. Then of course there is deep sea fishing that takes a large crew on board with fine dining, nice bathroom facilities, and someone to bait your hook.  No longer do we have lazy days sitting under a tree, listening to the birds, and taking a little nap while waiting for fish to bite.

Fishing rod on a pond in the dawn light.

Remember when we played marbles, checkers, horseshoes, and Monopoly? Now we play mobile games on our phones, walk miles to play golf, and ski from the top of the highest mountains to entertain ourselves.

marbles collection
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Remember when there was a party line on the old landline telephone? Now there’s social media. You can just sign in and read along instead of eavesdropping on your neighbors’ conversations. Private business is now everyone’s business if you have a smartphone!

rotary telephone being dialed

Yes, we Boomers remember. Was it more simple? That’s a good question. At the time, we sure didn’t think so. In 60 years I won’t be around but I just wonder about some things – what will the youth of today remember? What will their stories be? What mark will they leave on the world? Will their grandchildren be fishing? Will they travel on a dirt road or highway? Will there even be a thing called a television, or will technology have developed even further than that? What kind of container will hold a soda? Will there still be a place called a movie theater? Will beaches be clean enough to play in the sand?

Yes, I wonder.  What will be the stories?  What will be the memories of tomorrow in our ever-changing world?

I remember when…

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Originally published November 09, 2022


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