Senior Resources » Healing HealthCare Systems with Susan Mazer

Healing HealthCare Systems with Susan Mazer

Our conversation on this Living to 100 Club podcast explores the nuances of “making meaning” out of the experiences of older adults. The guest is Dr. Susan Mazer, a co-founder of Healing Health Care Systems, a CONTINUOUS AMBIENT RELAXATION ENVIRONMENT (“CARE CHANNEL”) for hospitals and other healthcare settings. We discuss the varied perceptions that the 55+ group has of events – both external and internal – and the self-talk that goes on in our heads when reacting to these events. A fall, the death of a close friend, or maybe unexpected medical findings all cause us to create some meaning about this experience in our day-to-day lives. But how do these experiences affect our outlook and attitudes about aging? Does our interpretation become a burden or worry, or can we escape the negative and move past the experience? Tune in as we learn how to lighten the load from those age-related challenges that come along.


About Guest, Susan Mazer

Susan Mazer is the award-winning Co-Founder and past CEO of Healing HealthCare Systems (HHS). With Florence Nightingale as her inspiration, Susan has invested the last 30 years in improving the patient environment at the bedside. This has been done by researching and presenting on environmental stressors that impact patient experience and outcomes. She works to identify and understand how patient safety, privacy, and outcomes are impacted by the auditory environment.


For Our Listeners

Susan’s Website:

Popular Articles About Home Care

Originally published September 11, 2023


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