Senior Resources » How Fun Activities Can Help You Make New Friends in Retirement

How Fun Activities Can Help You Make New Friends in Retirement

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Before retirement, you probably had the same friends for a long time and had friends at work.


After retirement, you may find yourself sitting at home while many of your friends are still working.

Understandably, you start thinking about how it would be nice to have some new friends. Friends who share your interests and enjoy your favorite hobbies.


Luckily for you, I’ve found the answer to making friends in retirement.

One word: Activities!

Activities Are the Key!

If you participate in activities with people, then you’ll naturally bond with some of them as you get to know each other. Of course, you’ll also have fun participating in the activities! As you spend more time with your newfound friends, other possibilities may blossom before you. Going to lunch. Taking day trips. Having dinner at each other’s homes.

That’s how you make new friends!


For example, my wife and I started playing Bocce Ball at our senior center. We play Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10 a.m. In the process, we’ve made quite a few new friends. In fac,t we’ve gone out to dinner a few times with a couple! While bocce ball hasn’t led to off-court friendships with all the players, we still enjoy our time with them each week.

Yes, sir. That’s how you make new friends.

Here are some other activities that may help you find friends:

  • Dance lessons
  • Card games
  • Pickleball
  • Bowling
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Clubs
  • Volunteer groups
  • Book clubs
  • Amateur theater
  • Church groups
  • Pet shelters

Where Can I Find These Activities?

thinking woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock

If you’re aging in place in your neighborhood, look for a senior center. Get their list of activities and start going to a couple. Even if you don’t immediately spark a connection with a potential friend, give it some time. After all, friendships are like Rome. Neither are built in a day!

Now, in my opinion, the best place to find both new activities and friends is in active adult communities. I can personally vouch for my Del Webb Community. However, you may want to take a gander around the internet and see if you can find the community that might be perfect for you. Most of these communities boast dozens of activities. Plus, the residents are just like you—a retiree looking for new friends!



group of older adults exercising, friends, laughter, healthy living
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Activities are not expensive. Most are available to anyone. Additionally, activities will keep your brain and body stimulated. Participate in some activities and have fun with your friends! From one retiree to another, this is what enjoying retirement is all about.

Still on the hunt for more great articles like this one? Then visit our Retirement Lifestyle blog before you go!

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Originally published May 23, 2024


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