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Carrie Lowrance

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  • Carrie Lowrance


53 Best Games to Play with Grandkids on a Rainy Day

Rainy days can be a bummer, but they don't have to be a total washout!

17 Resilient Ways to Thrive Through Divorce

Going through a divorce is hard on anyone. It feels like your entire world is falling apart. It can be a painful, confusing, and emotional...

16 Signs You’re Spoiling Your Grandchildren Rotten

As a grandparent, you want to have fun with your grandkids and give them all the things you couldn’t give your own children. But, how...

45 Best Places to Visit with Your Grandchildren This Summer

Discover the perfect summer destinations for a day of fun with your grandkids! Explore local attractions and nationwide gems for unforgettable adventures.

29 Creative Ways to Make Money in Retirement

You don’t want to have a traditional part-time or full-time job to make money in retirement. Here are 30 creative things to try!

13 Best Restaurants To Take Your Grandchildren To

Taking your grandkids out to dinner should be a fun experience. Still, not every restaurant is the best place for kids. This list should help...

10 Ways to Trust God in Times of Illness

In times like these, we want to get better as fast as possible so we can get back to our lives, and trusting God during...

10 Tips for Physical and Spiritual Well-Being as a Christian Senior

Growing older is one of the best things in life. You have more experiences, gain more wisdom, and have more fun. Still, there are downsides, like not having as...

15 Things You MUST Buy at Walmart While on a Retirement Budget

When you think of shopping, Walmart is likely one of the first places that pops into your head. It's really no wonder. They've got everything...

40 Classes Seniors Should Take

As we get older, we often tell ourselves, “I could never do that,” or “How will I ever learn this?” This is especially true for...

22 Ways Aging Parents Need Help From Their Adult Children

Here are a few ways that your aging parents may need help from you.

22 Ways to Age-Proof Your Resume

Yes, age discrimination is a thing and sometimes resumes can be a big red flag for employers. So, how do you age-proof your resume? Here...

11 Signs of Financial Abuse in Marriage

Explore the hidden abuse: Financial manipulation in marriage. Often overlooked, financial abuse can have lasting consequences. Learn how to identify and overcome it.

10 Hacks to Get Organized This Spring

Do you need to clear some clutter and organize some things in your home? Here are some tips to get you started!

10 Ways to Respond to a Loved One Exhibiting Signs of Depression

One of the hardest things to do is watch a loved one who is exhibiting signs of depression. You know something is wrong, but you...

23 Reminders Every Couple Needs to Reignite Their Commitment

We can always reconnect with our partner, bring that spark back, and reignite our commitment to each other. Here are some ideas to help get...

21 Amazing Reasons God Created Grandparents

Grandparents play a unique role within our families, and God has created them for some amazing reasons. Here are just 21 of those.

How to Choose to Love Your Spouse, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

When you first get married, life is grand. You’re head over heels in love. Everything your partner does is incredible, and your future looks bright....

26 Impactful Volunteer Organizations for Seniors Who Want to Change the World

Volunteering is a great way to get out into your community, build relationships, and make a difference. Here are some influential organizations for seniors to...

10 Things Seniors Should NEVER Waste Money On

Throwing away your hard-earned money is never a wise move. Here are some things that seniors should NEVER waste their money on. 

25 Emotional Signs It’s Time to Retire

As we get older, we have to start thinking about when we're going to retire. Here are 25 emotional signs it's time.
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