Senior Resources » The Truth About Osteoporosis and Exercise

The Truth About Osteoporosis and Exercise


We wanted to devote a full podcast to osteoporosis and how that can affect your active and physical life. 

Osteoporosis is a very common disease and is a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle often causing complications during falls or other physical activity that can threaten a bone break.


The disease is responsible for an estimated two million broken bones per year, yet nearly 80 percent of older Americans who suffer bone breaks are not tested or treated for osteoporosis. One in two women and up to one in four men over age 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis.

So how does this affect you if you suffer from this disease and yet still want to live an active lifestyle with exercise and physical activity?

Obviously there are safety concerns that must be taken into consideration but that doesn’t mean you have to live a non-active life.

Senior Fitness with Meredith Podcast cover with blurred background

In This Episode You Will Learn:

1). What osteoporosis is and why this is cause for concern in our senior population.


2). Answering the question “Can I still exercise with this disease?” and why it’s so important to know what will work for you.

3). Some of the reasons why exercise is avoided by those who live with this disease and how the fear of falling or breaking a bone can sideline someone for partaking in physical activity.

4). Great examples of exercises that you can do to help strengthen the body which is your best defense against falls or breaks which are low impact and use light weights and resistance.

5). Tips for healthcare workers or physical trainers on how listening to your patients and clients are important and understanding their limitations or needs to better serve them.

6). Some motivational tips on staying active even if you live with this disease and why it doesn’t have to stop you from being active, healthy and feeling great.


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Originally published February 04, 2020


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