Senior Resources » Personal Finance

Personal Finance

10 Thrifty Tips for Entertaining Your Grandkids on a Budget

There are still ways you can entertain your grandkids on a budget! Here are 10 thrifty ideas to get you started.

grandmother and granddaughter wearing tutus in the kitchen and dabbing

15 Things You MUST Buy at Walmart While on a Retirement Budget

When you think of shopping, Walmart is likely one of the first places that pops into your head. It’s really no wonder. They’ve got everything under one roof, so you’re not just shopping savvy—you’re also saving gas by avoiding store-hopping. If you’re shopping on a retirement budget, Walmart is even more essential for stretching fixed incomes and maintaining a cozy lifestyle.

blue shopping cart on a blue background next to a yellow lightbulb

15 Low-Cost Hobbies for Boomers

There are fun hobbies that won’t break the bank! Here are 15 low-cost hobbies for Boomers.

senior education on computer at home

How Much Will You Need to Save for Retirement?

How much money you need to retire comfortably is a great question that all working adults should ask themselves. Unfortunately, far too few ever bother thinking about it. 

black woman with curly hair thinking about how much money she will need

10 Best Ways to Cover Nursing Home Expenses

Nothing is more important than receiving the highest quality of care available. But – it can be costly.

nursing piggy

10 Budget-Friendly & Healthy Meals

Check out these 10 budget-friendly meals that are great for your health AND wallet!

senior woman cooking a healthy meal

13 Fresh, Fun, & Frugal Date Night Ideas for Retirees

Are you looking for the best cheap date ideas that will keep your wallet and your partner happy? It might be easier than you think!

dating retirees

Seniors, Find Support on a National Level With These Websites

If you’re a senior or a caregiver looking for financial assistance, housing help, or even just a little info on where you can get some support – we might know a few places.

older woman wearing glasses and using a laptop

Daily Money Managers Can Help Seniors with Financial Chores

Do you have a senior loved one who has difficulty managing their own day-to-day personal finances? Then consider a daily money manager!

money management app photo, senior woman using phone and smiling outisde with phone and money management emojis next to her

10 Most Tax-Friendly States for Retirees in 2024

Retirement is a milestone we all dream of reaching. Here are the top 10 most tax-friendly states for retirees in 2024.

United States of America with flag coering all states and giant yellow dollar sign in the middle

Free Senior Resources

Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

The Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

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5 Health conditions e-book cover

5 Health Conditions That Affect Baby Boomers and 5 Ways to Avoid Them

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ultimate estate planning checklist and guide

Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist & Guide

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Guide to Adult Day Care

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