
Health & Wellness (Page 22 of 25)

The 100-Year Lifestyle: How to Live a Long and Healthy Life

An inspiring conversation about how to create a “100 Year Lifestyle,” knowing, in most cases, we are responsible for how long we live.

Living to 100 Club Podcast

What Is Long-Term Care?

Long-term care refers to the various medical and custodial services provided to a person who is unable to perform basic activities of daily living (ADL) or needs regular health monitoring.

long-term care blocks

Steps to Prevent Cancer and Make Treatments More Effective

Our guest for this Living to 100 Club Podcast is Ginny Dent Brant. We talk about steps to prevent cancer. Ginny is a cancer survivor and guide to help others with cancer through their journey with lifestyle changes. In 1930, one’s chances of getting cancer in this country were one in 30. Today, one in two men and one in three women will develop cancer in their lifetime. It is estimated that by 2030, the rates will be one in one—meaning all of us will have one or more cancers in our lifetime. Cancer is becoming as common as tornadoes in Kansas. Ginny believes it’s time we wake up, face the reality, and develop a plan of prevention.

woman with cancer walking with nurse and IV

Don’t Sweat Sixty: Age-defying Workouts for Seniors

Our guest for this Living to 100 Club Podcast is Matt Schechner. Matt shares his personal training method, developed following a harrowing spinal surgery and a journey to “beat the brace.” He wanted more out of life than to be in a brace for the rest of his life. Matt now teaches others what he has learned about fitness and focuses on workouts for seniors. His goal is to help others shift their attitudes about aging in a positive way and show them the tools to train safely. Matt believes strongly that this training helps others to enrich their lives. Matt discusses his book, Don’t Sweat 60, and the methods he used to avoid the brace and be in the shape of a 20-year-old. Be sure to tune in for this program.

happy senior exercising

Strength Training for the 50+ Group: Why Staying Fit is a Prophylactic for Aging Well

This Living to 100 Club Podcast explores the subject of physical fitness over the age of 50. Our guest is Dave Durell, creator of the Stay Strong Forever Master Course. Dave discusses his strength training programs for people over age 50. These programs help people stay strong, rebuild themselves, and live full, active lives. Why is strength building so important for the senior population? What should be included in good workout routines? What adjustments should the 50+ age group make to ensure workout routines are sustainable? As the owner of Rock Solid Fitness, Dave and his wife work closely with their senior clients to help them stay motivated and engaged in their programs. Tune in to hear how these programs apply to you.

man showing muscles

Brownies for Breakfast: A Cookbook for Diabetics

This Living to 100 Club Podcast invites as its guest Lynne Bowman. Lynne has written a cookbook “for diabetics and the people who love them.” In this program, we discuss how Type 2 diabetes colors the attitudes and behaviors of those with this condition. We discuss the research she did and what she learned about traditional approaches to dietary guidelines. Importantly, we explore the broad subject of healthy eating.


Lessons for Longevity: Investing in Your Physical Well being

This Living to 100 Club podcast highlights the lessons for longevity and strategies for maintaining healthy lifestyles. Learn about a KABOOMER wellness plan from our guest, Dave Frost, to make the most of your years. What are the best personalized habits for stamina, strength, stability, and stretching? What exercises will diminish pain and enhance cognitive function? Dave is a NFPT-certified Master Fitness Trainer, a rowing coach, and award-winning adjunct professor from the University of Phoenix. His latest book is KABOOMER: Thriving and Striving into Your 90’s. In this podcast, learn what you can do to boost your immunity, how to stay optimistic during this continued wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and lower your risk of accidents through stability exercises.


The Top Three Attributes to Cultivate Healthy Aging

Our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast is Debra Valentina, life coach, public speaker, and author of three books on personal development. In addition, she has her fourth coming out in February of 2022 and a fifth one is in progress. Debra’s writing, coaching, and presentations focus on helping others maintain a forward looking mindset. She endeavors to help others maintain a hopeful outlook about their future. This conversation takes a close look at what attributes or traits are associated with healthy, positive aging. What works best when it comes to living longer, healthier, and happier? What tools will help maintain this orientation?

senior woman walking healthy aging

Diet and Lifestyle Approaches to Health and Wellness

In this conversation with Health Coach & Consultant and retired chiropractor Dr. Leslie Kasanoff, she shares her experience in reversing chronic health conditions. And, how we can stay healthy to avoid such conditions. These include chronic health conditions like diabetes, obesity, and maintaining brain function and memory as we age.

healthy choices vs unhealthy choices cocept with fruit and cinnamon roll tic tac toe

Mindful Movement: A Conversation with a Practicing Kinesiologist

This Living to 100 Club podcast invites as its guest Gabriel Shaw, a practicing kinesiologist and clinical exercise physiologist in British Columbia. We discuss mindful movement. Gabriel works with clients in individual and group settings to help them improve their strength, mobility, and posture. These are all central to movement and athleticism. In this program, our conversation focuses on in-home activities and exercises that allow us to stay fit while aging well. And we explore how we can recover from stress and trauma through different conditioning exercises, breathwork, and other body movement activities like Tai Chi and dance. Also, we dive into emotional and mental barriers that can interfere with getting the movement we want. Peruse Gabriel’s website, and be sure to tune in for practical, actionable insights in this energizing conversation.

exercising couple

Free Senior Resources

Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

The Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

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5 Health conditions e-book cover

5 Health Conditions That Affect Baby Boomers and 5 Ways to Avoid Them

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ultimate estate planning checklist and guide

Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist & Guide

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Guide to Adult Day Care

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