Senior Resources » 10 Thrifty Travel Hacks for Retirees

10 Thrifty Travel Hacks for Retirees

retiree in orange shirt looking cool as he shuffles money
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J.R.R. Tolkien, the beloved author of the Lord of the Rings series, famously said, “Not all who wander are lost.” Wanderlust doesn’t have an age limit. In fact, many older adults may be more eager to see the world than the younger generation. The only thing that might put a damper on travel plans is your budget. Fortunately, there are things you can do that will make your dream vacation a reality. Here are 10 thrifty travel hacks for retirees.


1. Travel in the off-season.

traveling seniors
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Did you know there are quite a few benefits to traveling in the off-season? For one, you’ll have fewer crowds to contend with. Translation: You’ll have a much more peaceful vacation! Of course, another benefit is that you’ll probably save money. Most popular vacation destinations charge higher prices for things like hotels during peak season, but their rates tend to fall as demand decreases. In other words, you can probably score a much better deal on a hotel suite in the off-season.

2. Cook a few of your meals.

cooking with a whisk and taking a selfie
Image Credit: Shutterstock

I know, I know. Part of the fun of vacation is trying out new foods and dishes that aren’t available at home. However, if you’re a retiree on a fixed budget, sacrifices might need to be made. Book a hotel with a kitchenette or stove. Bring ingredients from home or shop locally once you arrive at your destination. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to have every meal in your hotel. Just don’t eat out every day of your vacation. You might save more money than you realize!


3. Be on the lookout for senior discounts.

couple looking at a tablet at a coffee shop
Image Credit: Canva Pro

Senior discounts don’t only apply to breakfast platters and new shoes. You can also reap the benefits of senior discounts when it comes to traveling! For instance, many airlines offer senior discounts on flights—Southwest and United Airlines, to name just two. Many hotels (such as Best Western) offer senior discounts for AARP members over 55. Additionally, you can also save big on cruises and car rentals! Make sure you always check for senior discounts before dotting any lines or crossing any Ts.

4. Stay in a B&B.

vase on a table
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For many, bed-and-breakfasts conjure images of a Victorian home tucked away in a cozy corner of New England, filled to overflowing with eclectic furniture and sundry knickknacks. Some might envision mingling with other travelers over a fruit and cheese tray. However, there’s another benefit to staying in a B&B: they’re generally all-inclusive! In addition to a suite, you’ll also have access to homemade meals and amenities hotels may not offer.

5. Take buses instead of trains.

older lady tourist looking at map as she descends from bus
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Trains are a fun way to travel, but unfortunately, they can come with a hefty price tag. And while public buses often have a bad reputation, the truth of the matter is that they’re often much cheaper. Additionally, buses are a safe way to travel. In fact, they account for only 10 percent of yearly road fatalities (according to Refer to tip number three and make sure you ask about senior discounts before paying your fare!


6. Bring reusable bottles and mugs.

water bottle
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We all love designer coffee, but let’s face it—it isn’t cheap. Sometimes, even bottled water can be a little expensive. The solution? Bring reusable bottles and mugs with you on vacation! If you need your afternoon coffee fix, don’t rely on Starbucks or other coffeehouses. If you’re staying at a hotel that has a coffee station, use it! You can stay hydrated and caffeinated without breaking the bank.

7. Travel in groups.

friends having fun on the beach
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Traveling alone or with a spouse can be a fun way to travel, but so can traveling in a group! If you have friends or relatives who love traveling, why not invite them to go on vacation with you? Not only will you make a few core memories that you’ll cherish far more than seashells or souvenirs, but you can also save money! If everyone chips in for accommodations or meals, you’ll end up spending a lot less on your vacation.

8. Limit your souvenir purchases.

sand in bottles
Image Credit: Canva Pro

Understandably, buying souvenirs is a vacation staple. Maybe it’s a glass unicorn that would be perfect for your grandchild. Or maybe it’s a pair of windchimes that might be a wonderful addition to your front porch. Or a bag of saltwater taffy that transports you right back to your childhood. Whatever the case, don’t give in to impulse buying. Limit yourself to three or four souvenirs and try your best to stick to that. Glass unicorns and saltwater taffy are lovely, but no souvenir is worth stressing over your finances later!

9. Look into travel insurance.

travel insurance
Image Credit: Canva Pro

Travel insurance is important, especially for older adults. This will allow you to protect your travel investments, such as non-refundable purchases. This may be imperative for seniors with preexisting medical conditions. Life is unpredictable, so it’s truly better to be safe than sorry.

10. Travel light.

retirement travel couple
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Are you the sort of person who packs everything but the kitchen sink? Do you like to have back-up outfits for your back-ups? While it’s important to be prepared for anything, there’s such a thing as being too prepared. At least, when it comes to traveling. This is especially important when you travel by plane, in which you may be charged for an abundance of baggage. So, next time you plan a vacation, just bring the bare necessities. You may be glad you did.

Looking for more travel resources?

group of friends travel
Image Credit: Shutterstock

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Originally published July 03, 2024


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