
Caregiving (Page 3 of 6)

Communicating with Family Members in Caregiving

In this insightful video by Lori La Bey of Alzheimer’s Speaks, viewers are introduced to an essential tip for November’s Family Caregiver Month.

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7 Ways Sleep Helps Emotional Resilience When Caregiving

As a caregiver, you’re often so focused on your loved one’s health and well-being that it’s easy to overlook your own needs.

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10 Inspirational Quotes For Family Caregivers

“It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing.” – Mother Teresa

Providing Home Care To A Family Member: Caring For Yourself

Caring for yourself is just as important as caring for a loved one.

8 Thrifty Tips for Caregivers to Cut Costs While Providing Quality Care for Your Senior Loved One

You can care for your loved one without breaking the bank. Here are EIGHT thrifty tips for caregivers to cut costs and stick to a budget.

caregiver home care

6 Tips for Being a Long-Distance Caregiver

Providing care and support for an aging parent who lives far away can present a variety of challenges that can make the job difficult and stressful. Here are some tips and resources that may help you.

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9 Simple Secrets to Master Caregiving Chaos

Being a caregiver can be a rewarding experience, but it is not without its challenges. Staying organized can help you manage your responsibilities more efficiently and reduce your stress. Let’s talk about some strategies for getting (and staying) organized while caregiving.

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Navigating End-of-Life Care: Hospice and Palliative Care Resources for Seniors and Caregivers

End-of-life care can feel scary, but understanding what to expect can help make the process easier. Here’s what you need to know.

3 Helpful Resources for Dementia Patients and Caregivers

Here are 3 helpful resources for dementia patients and caregivers in need of support.

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Elder Mediation Can Help Families Navigate Thorny Caregiving Issues

While mediators have been used for years to help divorcing couples sort out legal and financial disagreements and avoid court battles, eldercare mediation is a relatively new and specialized service designed to help families resolve disputes that are related to aging parents or other elderly relatives. 

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Free Senior Resources

Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

The Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

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5 Health conditions e-book cover

5 Health Conditions That Affect Baby Boomers and 5 Ways to Avoid Them

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ultimate estate planning checklist and guide

Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist & Guide

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Guide to Adult Day Care

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