
Health & Wellness (Page 23 of 25)

Stronger Memory Program: A Breakthrough Approach to Improved Mental Function

Our guest on this Living to 100 Club podcast discusses an innovative program developed in Japan, the Stronger Memory program. Independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities in the U.S. are now testing this program. Rob Liebriech is the CEO of Goodwin House in Virginia. Goodwin House is a multi-level senior living complex, incorporating residential, age in place, low income senior housing, hospice, and home health programs.

brain workout with dumbells

Stay Off My Operating Table: A Heart Surgeon Discusses Metabolic Health

Dr. Philip Ovadia’s new book, Stay Off My Operating Table, exposes the dark truths about the burgeoning death rate from preventable diseases in the U.S. Dr. Ovadia is our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast. We discuss his surgical practice with patients with chronic heart conditions needing open-heart surgery. We explore his perspective on the failures of mainstream diets and standard medicine. In addition, we discuss the uplifting solutions he offers in his new book.

doctor and nurse with patient

Defying Limitations: How to Make Our Second Half the Better Half!

This Living to 100 Club podcast guest is T. Kari Mitchell. Kari has embarked on an empowerment journey that focuses on defying the limitations that come with advancing age. In this conversation, we discuss how to re-claim our confidence, purpose, and power when they have diminished in our retirement years. As an integrative wellness coach, Kari knew that aging brings with it a vibrancy that can be tapped. How can we open the doors to the endless possibilities of transformation in our senior years. What are some of the lifestyle shifts that help restore our sense of power and confidence? How did we lose our confidence and sense of mastery, and how do we get it back? In short, can we truly make the second half our best years? You will enjoy this conversation and learn more about thriving in later life.

happy senior

Are Our Senior Fitness Workouts For All Ages?

We enjoy putting out our best exercise videos on a weekly basis and love that many people around the world are benefitting from our large library of content. 

Senior Fitness with Meredith Podcast cover with blurred background

Inspirational People with Parkinson’s, with Lianna Marie

Lianna Marie talks about inspirational people with Parkinson’s. We talk about having hope, and looking up to people who are going through the same things. Michael J. Fox, of course, but also Jimmy Choi from American Ninja Warrior, who was diagnosed when he was 27. Jim Morris, the inspiration for the sports movie The Rookie, developed a form of Parkinson’s due to sports concussions.

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Parkinson’s Path: Becoming Grateful, with Lianna Marie

Lianna Marie talks about gratitude. Why is it important and how is it possible? Studies suggest a sense of gratitude is connected to health. Grateful people sleep better and it reduces stress.

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Parkinson’s Path: Depression, with Lianna Marie

Lianna Marie talks about depression as it pertains to Parkinson’s. Research today shows that it is a symptom rather a response to the illness. Up to 50% of people with Parkinson’s are suffering from clinical depression, from the chemical imbalances triggered by the disease.

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Parkinson’s Path: Power of Faith, with Lianna Marie

As part of the Parkinson’s Path, Lianna Marie says Hope and faith are different: The majority of people have a faith in something higher than themselves. It played a huge role for my mother’s battle with Parkinson’s. The disease can be so overwhelming, but a lot of people point to faith as a means of rescue.

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Parkinson’s Path: Being Happy, with Lianna Marie

As part of the Parkinson’s Path, Lianna Marie asks “How do we find happiness?” A large part of happiness is under our control. We have to choose to be happy. Not to say that life will be joyful every day with Parkinson’s, but let’s define what happiness would look like – is it having a productive life, staying connected with my loved ones, stay in my job longer?

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Parkinson’s Path: Enough Hope, with Lianna Marie

As part of the Parkinson’s Path, Lianna Marie says that hope is a key part of everything, fighting illnesses or even difficulties in life. We developed an initial “H.O.P.E. test” to assess attitudes and feelings about Hopefulness, Optimism, Practicing acceptance, and Enlisting the help of others.

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The Ultimate Guide to Retirement Communities

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5 Health Conditions That Affect Baby Boomers and 5 Ways to Avoid Them

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