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Robert Fowler

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  • Robert Fowler


5 Negatives of Active Adult Retirement Communities

There are plenty of advantages to retiring in active adult communities. But, what are the negatives?

7 Best Reasons to Retire in a Small Town

Small towns have a number of benefits and a great deal to offer retirees.

7 Reasons for Boomers to Consider Renting Instead of Buying

Here are some great reasons for retirees to consider renting a home!

Signs It’s Time for a Move to a Skilled Nursing Facility

That's when my wife and I knew we couldn't delay the inevitable anymore...or ignore the obvious signs that it was time for a skilled nursing...

The Rising Popularity of Senior Living Apartment Communities

For some, downsizing means moving into a one-story prefab in a retirement community. For others, it means senior apartments!

10 Self-Care Tips for Boomers

Even amidst hectic schedules, carving out time for oneself is essential. Below are 10 practical strategies to integrate self-care into your daily routine.

The Truth About Age-Related Hearing Loss

Many individuals with hearing loss choose to simply grin and bear it. However, quality of life does not have to deteriorate with hearing loss.

Should You Move to The Villages in Florida?

Should you consider a move to The Villages in Florida? Retirement blogger Robert Fowler weighs in!

10 Advantages of Retiring in an Active Adult Retirement Community

Here are 10 advantages of retiring in an active adult community, written by someone who actually lives in one!

5 Must-Know Cruise Tips for Traveling Boomers

Cruises certainly are fun, but there are ways you can make them even more enjoyable. Here are 5 cruising tips, from one Boomer to another.

My 3 Favorite Tennessee Towns for Retirement

Retirement blogger, Robert Fowler gives his short list of the best small towns in Tennessee.

5 Simple Ways To Save Money On Retirement Housing

In this economy, Baby Boomers who are nearing retirement are looking for affordable housing as never before!  Here are some ways to do so!

10 Tips for Buying a Home in a 55+ Community

Here are 10 tips on buying a home in a 55+ community!

3 Holistic Approaches to Pain Management

Do you want to feel the best that you can? I sure do. Here are a few holistic approaches to pain management that have helped...

Boomer Tips For Recovering From an Illness or Injury If You Live Alone

Many Boomers live alone, and when an unexpected health issue occurs, they're left to recover on their own. Here are some tips for making your...

How Fun Activities Can Help You Make New Friends in Retirement

Luckily for you, I've found the answer to making friends in retirement. One word: Activities!

Is Orlando a Good City for Retirement?

What's so great about Orlando retirement?

Too Close For Comfort? Here’s What I Think About Our Retirement Community’s Lot Sizes

One common concern raised by those exploring active adult communities is the assumption that all of the houses are too close together. Having lived in...

Benefits of a Retirement Job

Whether you need the money or the fulfillment, here's why you should consider getting a job after retirement.

6 Best Active Adult 55+ Community Builders

We've compiled a list of 6 top builders known for their high-quality homes, amazing amenities, and sought-after locations.

5 Places Retired Boomers Choose to Live

The wave of Baby Boomers hitting retirement age is undeniable! With over 10,000 turning 65 every single day, an important question emerges: Where will this...
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